Think Twice Before Using Your Work Email Address as Login for Personal Accounts
Many companies have had their email credentials compromised without realizing it. In September 2016, researchers revealed that they found about 5 million unique business email credentials stored in hackers' dump sites and other underground cyber markets. When the...
The computer virus that can hold your business hostage.
Ran*som*ware (Noun): A type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid. Is your business susceptible to a ransomware attack? If you’re using computers, the answer is yes. Get the facts straight! Check out this...
Cybercriminals Are Posing as Job Applicants to Spread Ransomware
Be aware of a new phishing attack in which cybercriminals are posing as job applicants. Falling victim to this attack may leave your business infected with the GoldenEye ransomware. This phishing campaign was initiated in Germany, but security experts expect it will...
Win a new computer….On a stick.
We love technology at The Miller Group, that is a given. When we come across something cool we try our best to share and get the word out and as a bonus, giving you the opportunity to win a new computer! Enter Intel's Compute Stick. Everything you need in a...
Phishing scam hits close to home.
A few weeks ago, a client contacted us concerning a couple of emails they received. The client's company in question often transfers sums of money and has a CEO and CFO that aren't always in the office. These two factors, and some due diligence, almost paid nicely...
5 Ways That Automation Can Save You Time
Using applications to automate routine tasks is more efficient than using manual tools. Yet most companies rely on manual tools, according to a ServiceNow survey. Eighty percent of the 915 surveyed managers reported that their companies still use manual tools and that...
How to Avoid Falling Victim to Fake Malware Alerts
Suppose you are working on your computer and an alert pops up saying that your computer is infected with a virus. Could you tell whether this alert is legitimate? Don't feel bad if you said "no". Cybercriminals have become adept at creating fake malware alerts, so it...
8 Ways to Keep Your Office Virus-Free
New viruses and other malware pop up every day, and businesses are constantly on the defense trying to keep up. Not only are malware attacks exponentially higher than they were even a few years ago (and much higher than most people think), but the quality of the...
How to Search a Website That Does Not Have a Search Box
Visiting a website that does not have a search box can be frustrating if you need to find something quickly. Although you can use a web browser's Find tool to search for text, the browser will look for the specified text only on that page and not the entire website....
How to Create a More Effective Data Center
IT managers are constantly on the lookout for more efficient — and effective — ways to run their data centers. You can try different tools and setups to help things run more smoothly, but at the end of the day, sometimes you just need to let go and automate. System...