Increase Your SmartPhone Battery’s Life

Every year smartphone batteries increase in capacity. Yet, at the same time, it seems new phone models last less and less time before they need to be plugged in. This frustrating cycle leads many smartphone owners to wonder the same thing. Why can't their latest...

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Get creative with your Outlook signature

Get creative with your Outlook signature

Instead of manually signing each outgoing email message you can set up a signature in Outlook that will be appended automatically. Such signatures can either be a simple text signature, or you can take an extra creative step and set up a customized HTML...

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Buying the Right Computer for your Employees

Buying the Right Computer for your Employees

Whether you're purchasing brand new computers for a brand new division or upgrading the technology in your home office, purchasing computers for your employees can be a stressful undertaking. Between different software and job requirements, personal preferences, and...

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Don’t leave tracks of where you visited….

Don’t leave tracks of where you visited….

Sometimes you don’t want to leave a trace of your web browsing activity on your computer. Whether it’s shopping for a gift on a shared PC or checking an account at an Internet café, you don’t want to leave any evidence of your browsing or search history for others to...

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