In case you missed it, Google Chrome’s version 68 is here and the “not secure” labels have come with it. For the past two years, Google has warned of these markers coming in an effort to make the internet safer for users.

We talked about the new sanctions being imposed by Google here in our post last year about improving website security. We know too that Google is slowly making these warnings more aggressive on sites without an SSL certificate. As they stand currently, the warning is in gray but come September, the “not secure” labels will be a more threatening red. Down the road, some say you may see pop-ups on unsecured pages or even a check box accepting that you’re seeing unsecured content.

So how do you know if your site is unsecured and why does it matter? Look at the left-hand side of your address bar when viewing your company site. Which of these do you see?

If you’re using Firefox or Safari as your browser, the label may look a bit different. The easiest way to tell if your site is secure or not is if the address begins with “http” orĀ  “https”. The S stands for secure. Google and other browsers are favoring websites with an SSL certificate in searches. They’re doing their part to avoid a user visiting a hacked site and having either personal information stolen or malware installed on a devices.

If your site is not secure, what should you do? Call us or your website host to have your site reviewed for an SSL certificate. At The Miller Group, we are always monitoring your site for security threats. But, as Google and others move toward tighter and tighter restrictions for their search results, your site will slide in the results without an SSL soon. For our website clients, we have different options (HERE) that are very cost-effective for small businesses to host and secure their website. If you’d like to read more about Google’s new approach to search results including how mobile devices factor see HERE.


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