Joe Svoboda

Joe Svoboda


Early examples of Joe’s geekiness were realized when he competed and won an episode of D.B’s Delight (see below), a local Saint Louis kid’s version of Jeopardy.

This continued in high school when he and two classmates joined up to take on local colleges in a computer programming contest (also below), winning over $8,800 worth of new computer equipment for his school.

After college, (and shaving his head) Joe joined The Miller Group as a service technician.  He was promoted to Service Manager in 2003 and CEO of The Miller Group in 2011.

Since Mike Miller’s passing he has helped continue to guide The Miller Group as a true business partner and trusted advisor for a growing roster of small and mid-sized organizations in the Saint Louis area.

Joe and his wife, Teresa, live in Festus with their two boys.

Favorite Thing about working at The Miller Group?

The people.  I enjoy all the different personalities of the computer geeks that work here.  The relationships we have developed with our clients over the years is special.  I’ve known some people for over 20 years.

First Computer you owned ?

Radio Shack TRS80.  trs80-iii

If you could teach any grade or subject?

One of my earliest tech jobs was to teach computers at a private school, grades K-5.  They are so eager to learn new things at that age.  Finding time to reach 25 students each hour was challenging, however.

Coolest technology not yet invented?

I keep telling myself I’m going to create an app that allows you to send emails to your future self (or someone else). Sort of like an electronic time capsule.

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor – Rocky Road, no good reason other than I love Rocky Road.  Especially in a Waffle Cone from Baskin Robbins.  There is one about a mile away from my office.  I’m here most every day from 9am to 3pm, feel free to bring one over anytime. (Two scoops, drive fast and it won’t melt.)

D. B.'s Delight

Joe High School

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