Brandon Miller

Brandon Miller


Throughout college, Brandon worked at The Miller Group over the summers to get real hands on experience doing junior web development and learning the ropes of the business his dad created. Brandon graduated from Missouri State University majoring in Computer Information Systems. Mike Miller always wanted Brandon to get other experience outside of The Miller Group where he worked as a Business Analyst at Savvis after graduation and before starting at The Miller Group.

Brandon is responsible for overseeing the operations and finances of the business as we constantly strive to become more process driven and efficient in supporting our clients’ technology needs.

Brandon and his wife Jordan enjoy traveling and spending time with his friends and family in South County.

Favorite thing about working at The Miller Group?

Working at The Miller Group is more than a job or somewhere I go Monday-Friday. It is part of my childhood and more importantly an opportunity for me to directly carry on my father’s legacy. That is motivation enough besides the fact that I get to do something I am passionate about every day. Also, each day is different. You work with different employees, different clients, and work with different technology on a daily basis.

First computer you owned?

The first computer I owned was a refurbished desktop computer running XP with a nice and huge CRT monitor that took up any extra space I had on my desk.

What’s your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas is always the best holiday. You get to see the most family and friends from out-of-town more than any other holiday. I also can’t turn down giving and receiving presents. ?

What was your favorite subject in school?

Math – numbers just make sense to me.

Coolest Technology not yet invented?

Glasses when you put them on it is daylight again. Then you would always have the option to have daylight even if it was nighttime. The opportunities would then be endless and there would no longer be the complaint of “I hate that it gets dark so early”.

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