Chad Miller
Co-Owner/Business Development
Chad has been involved in the health and fitness realm of business since 2010. In 2015 co-founded Triad Fitness Supplements Nutrition, a retail supplement store, in Oklahoma City.
Mike Miler always said he wanted his children to work at The Miller Group and eventually carry on the business he started. In December of 2017 Chad moved back to St. Louis to be closer to family and to join The Miller Group as the business development manager.
Outside of work you can find Chad spending time with his wife Kali, their two Great Danes, Bear and Baylee, and their cat, Meeko. Chad also enjoys outdoor activities, working out, reading, and hanging out with family and friends.
Favorite Thing about working at The Miller Group?
The Miller Group so much more than a typical job for me. Every day I get to work with my wife, brother and employees that all want to grow The Miller Group and carry on our father’s legacy.
What’s your favorite holiday and why?
Easter – Every year I look forward to being able to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with friends and family.
What was your favorite subject in school?
Early American History (1600-1800 AD) – I have always enjoyed history and how history affects our lives today.
Coolest technology not yet invented?
A variation of a pressurized hyperbaric chamber that would allow you sleep for a fraction of the time and still be able to function as if you had a full night sleep. Think of how much more you can do with your life if you only had to sleep 2 hours a night and had zero negative side effects.