New viruses and other malware pop up every day, and businesses are constantly on the defense trying to keep up. Not only are malware attacks exponentially higher than they were even a few years ago (and much higher than most people think), but the quality of the malware has also increased dramatically. Moreover, the dangers to your business that this malware now poses is greater than ever. Whereas in the past, many viruses and infections were the works of lone hackers (a surprising number were seen as little more than practical jokes by their creators), the majority of new malware is manufactured in a methodical way by organized crime. More than ever, it’s important to keep your computers virus-free. Here is The Miller Group’s guide to doing just that.

  1. Keep Systems Updated – Make sure all computers are patched with the latest Windows Operating System updates, browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox), Adobe and Java programs, and your anti-virus.
  2. Keep Anti-Virus On At All Times – Stress the importance of keeping the antivirus software on at all times on all computers to every employee.
  3. Back Up Critical Files and Systems – The easiest (and sometimes cheapest) way to remove difficult malware is to simply wipe the system and start from scratch.
  4. Have a Strong Browsing and Download Policy In Place – Many virus and malware infections can happen from very legitimate-appearing websites. Make sure browsing is safe, and downloading is prohibited, except for trusted files.
  5. Avoid Personal Emails – Personal emails can be easier to compromise than business ones, if your organization has a strong email security policy. Don’t let employees access personal emails on company computers.
  6. Don’t Let Personal Devices In – Bring Your Own Device, or BYOD, policies are becoming increasingly popular. Always make sure these devices have several layers of security between them and your main network.
  7. Train Employees to Be Suspicious – The number one cause of malware infections is still user error. Train your employees to be suspicious of websites, attachments, and emails (even if they look like they came from a trusted source). Always double check!
  8. Don’t Forget Mobile – While it’s still not a huge percentage of overall attacks and infections, mobile devices are an exceptional risk, since most people forget they can get viruses.

The Miller Group can assist your company’s security strategy.  We have been protecting small businesses like yours in the Saint Louis metro area for over 30 years.  Contact us for more information.

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